List of publications in 2021, in which our clients describe examples of the use of our company's products:
Grosse, C.U., Ohtsu, M., Aggelis, D.G., Shiotani, T. (eds). Acoustic Emission Testing. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering . Springer, Cham. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-67936-1
This book provides an introduction to Acoustic Emission Testing and its applications to different materials like concrete, steel, ceramics, geotechnical materials, polymers, biological structures and wood. Acoustic Emission Techniques (AET) techniques have been studied in engineering for a long time. The techniques are applied more and more to practical investigations and are more and more standardized in codes. This is because the degradation of structures due to ageing urgently demand for maintenance and rehabilitation of structures in service. It results in the need for the development of advanced and efficient inspection techniques. In mechanical engineering and concerning the monitoring of machines and mechanical components, AE is a widely accepted observing deterioration in the frame of structural health monitoring. The advantages of AE like sensitivity, damage localization potential, non-intrusive nature as well as developments in signal analysis and data transmission allow applications that could not be considered decades ago. As such, AE techniques draw great attention to diagnostic applications and in material testing. This book covers all levels from the description of AE basics for AE beginners (level of a student) to sophisticated AE algorithms and applications to real large-scale structures as well as the observation of the cracking process in laboratory specimen to study fracture processes. This book has proved its worth over the past twelve years. Now in its second edition, it will be a resource that sets the standard and equips readers for the future. All chapters from the 1st edition have been updated and rewritten and eight extra chapters (e.g also regarding AE tomography, AE in plate-like structures and AE for investigations of hardening of fresh concrete) have been added
Y. G. Matvienko, I. E. Vasil'ev, D. V. Chernov (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Damage and failure of unidirectional laminate by acoustic emission combined with video recording. Acta Mechanica. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s00707-020-02866-6. eLibrary ID: 45014944
Research results of damage and failure of unidirectional laminate packages under tension are presented. A study of the kinetics of damage and failure of the laminate structure is carried out by means of acoustic emission (AE) and synchronous video recording. The conformity between failure proceses occurring on the microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic scale levels and the recorded AE events including their energy parameters, shape and spectrum is established. The structural–phenomenological approach implemented by dividing the AE data array into energy clusters allows analyzing the degree of damage and failure of the material employing new criteria parameters, namely the registration activity and the weight content of the location AE events in the clusters of the lower, middle and upper energy levels
R. Oshkin (National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Mining Institute, Moscow). Method of thermally stimulated acoustic emission to assess changes in the deformed state of rocks under quasi-static loading. E3S Web of Conferences 266, 03009 (2021). DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202126603009. https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/pdf/2021/42/e3sconf_ti2021_03009.pdf (full text). eLibrary ID: 46824262
This paper presents the results of an experimental study of the acoustic-emission response of limestone samples exposed to incrementally increasing quasi-static mechanical loads and a series of thermal shocks. The subject of the study also included the design and composition (confi-guration) of the laboratory facility for the research, as indicated above. The patterns of change in thermally stimulated acoustic emission (TAE) as a function of the deformed state of limestone under development are theoret-ically substantiated. An acoustic-emission criterion enabling a qualitative assessment of the residual strength of rocks was proposed and substan-tiated. The methodological approaches to the processing with the presenta-tion of the author’s interpretation of the physical meaning of the experi-mentally obtained initial measurement data are defined. Finally, the fundamental possibility of using the obtained results in the field conditions for monitoring the evolution of the deformed state of rocks is shown.
Builo, S.I., Builo, B.I. Chebakov, M.I. (Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science named after I.I. Vorovich, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia). Probalistic-Information Approach to Assessing the Reliability of the Results of the Acoustic-Emission Method of Testing and Diagnostics. Russ J Nondestruct Test 57, 375–382 (2021). DOI: 10.1134/S1061830921050077. eLibrary ID: 47038021
The features of the quantitative determination of the reliability of the results of the acoustic- emission (AE) method of monitoring and diagnostics are considered. It has been established that the traditional way of defining reliability via the probability of a controlled parameter falling into a certain interval sometimes suffers from informational underdetermination. It is shown that taking into account the probabilistic and information aspects of the assessment of reliability makes it possible to unambiguously link the concept of reliability of the results of testing and diagnostics with the amount of information obtained in the course of the inspection or diagnostics operation itself. Examples of practical determination of information reliability of the results of AE method are given.
Matvienko, Y.G., Vasil’ev, I.E., Chernov, D.V. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Using Acoustic Emission and Video Recording for Monitoring the Kinetics of Damage under Compression of Composite Samples. Inorg Mater 58, 1538–1547 (2022). DOI: 10.1134/S0020168522150079
The results of studying the fracture of a batch of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) samples under compression have been considered. The kinetics of damage and fracture of structural bonds in a FRP package under the impact of compressive load was studied using acoustic emission (AE) in combination with video recording. Correlations between fractures of the FRP package occurring on the micro-, meso-, and macroscopic levels and the simultaneously registered location pulses, i.e., their energy parameters, shape, and spectrum, were established. New criterial parameters including the activity of registration of the location pulses in the energy clusters and their weight content were analyzed. The structural-phenomenological approach implemented by dividing the entire array of the AE data into energy clusters made it possible to control the degree of fracture of the material using the activity of registration and the weight content of the location pulses in clusters of the lower, middle and upper energy levels. Comparison of AE events recorded at the stages of loading of the tested samples with video footage of the fracture of structural bonds in the FRP package made it possible to establish the relation between the occurring damage and the recorded AE pulses, their parameters, shape, and spectrum
Makhutov N.A., Vasiliev I.E., Chernov D.V., Ivanov V.I., Terent’ev E.V. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; ZAO RII MSIA “Spectrum”, Moscow; Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow). Kinetics of damage accumulation and failure in the zones of stress raisers in sample rupture tests. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2021. Т. 57. № 1. С. 31-42. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830921010095. eLibrary ID: 46023085
The influence of various kinds of stress raisers on the processes of damage accumulation, initiation, and propagation of cracks in specimens of steel St3 under uniaxial tension has been considered. The investigated samples had a central aperture with diameter of ∅ = 5 mm or a transverse weld. The results of acoustic emission diagnostics showed that, despite the different nature of the stress raisers, the loading diagrams, the nature of damage accumulation and development of main cracks, the number of recorded acoustic emission (AE) events, and the activity of their recording, as well the dynamics of changes in the weight content of location pulses (Wi) in the energy clusters of the low, medium, and high levels were quite similar, along with the values of these parameters during sample failure.
Makhutov N.A., Vasil'ev I.E., Chernov D.V., Mishchenko I.V., Moskovskaia D.S. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI)). Estimation of the additive and multiplicative error of the standard algorithm of acoustic emission sources linear location. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering : 32th International Conference of Young Scientists and Students Topical Problems of Mechanical Engineering 2020 (TopME 2020), Moscow, 02–04 December 2020. Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAN). Moscow. IOP Publishing Ltd, 2021. P. 012018. DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/1129/1/012018. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/1129/1/012018 (full text). eLibrary ID: 48134340
The paper deals with the results of the standard acoustic emission (AE) source linear location algorithm, which evaluates the location of developing damage in a steel sample under static load test to destruction. The linear location algorithm error is due to many factors: acquisition threshold of the AE signals and the dispersion properties of recorded signals, in particular, the dependence of the AE signal propagation velocity on its amplitude. According to the test results, the additive error in determining the time difference of arrival (TDA) of the AE signals to the transducers array is 52.8 μs and the average multiplicative error level is 0.67